Shopping List Pro


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EZListPro makes it easy to create a shopping or grocery list, recipe, to-do list, checklist, project list, or any type of list! Here are some of the many useful and powerful features to get you started:• No set limit on the number of lists or list items you can create.• Catalog based: Each list maintains its own catalog of items. The catalog records your new, unique item names as you create them. And any list can use the catalog from any other list.• Auto-complete: Start typing the name of a list item and the catalog will make one or more auto-complete suggestions of items you’ve previously entered, or• Open and scroll through the catalog to select items directly from it.• Assign user-defined list item properties such as quantity, price, unit of measure and notes.• Organize and group list items by categories that you create. Order your categories any way that you like.• Merge the items from any list into any other list.• Copy and/or merge lists from one device onto another device via Bluetooth.• Set reminder alarms on list items.• Multi-panel display on tablets.• Full backup and restore.• Export, import and email lists.• Integrated user manual with a quick start section to quickly get you going with basic features.• No ads!
Visit our website at for more about these and all other features. Or read the user manual on-line to learn all about the full power of EZListPro.
Simple. Powerful. Handy. Fast. That’s EZ!!!